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Control your Erection Problems with POTENCIALEX

Impotence (erectile dysfunction) means that the penis becomes flaccid again after an erection or does not become erect at all. Satisfying sex is thus often no longer possible, although sexual desire (libido) is often still present. Potency problems increase with age. There may be psychological causes, but also diseases such as vascular calcification or diabetes. Here you can read everything important about the causes and treatment of impotence.

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The treatment of impotence is multifaceted and is tailored to the individual man. If diseases are the trigger of the disturbed erection, the therapy focuses on curing these diseases. For example, in the case of high blood pressure, blood pressure is lowered, or in the case of diabetes, blood sugar levels are normalized.

If the use of a drug is blamed for the impotence problems, the drug can be exchanged for another preparation. In some cases, the doctor will prescribe hormone supplements. Sometimes surgery is necessary to correct the disorder, such as vascular surgery.

Natural treatment of erectile dysfunction

Natural treatment for erectile dysfunction is a safe procedure to help impotent men regain an erection. Men, for example, whose erectile dysfunction is caused by circulatory problems are can treat it with this procedure. In addition, the blood vessels leading to the penis must not be too severely altered or interrupted.

Drug therapy side effects

In addition to treating or eliminating the cause, there is also the possibility of drug therapy for impotence. Help is promised by preparations containing the active ingredients sildenafil (e.g. Viagra), tadalafil (e.g. Cialis) or vardenafil (e.g. Levitra). These active ingredients stimulate blood flow in the erectile tissue. However, they must not be taken without hesitation. Interactions with other medications and contraindications (for example, when taking preparations containing nitrates or molsidomine at the same time) must be strictly observed. In some cases, even life-threatening side effects are possible. Therefore, the following applies: Never take medication against impotence on your own and without a doctor’s recommendation.

Aids for impotence

If erectile dysfunction cannot be remedied in any other way, various aids can promise success. Often, external erection aids, such as the vacuum erection device, are tried first. This uses a special suction pump applied to the penis to create a vacuum so that blood flows into the erectile tissue.


If you eat a balanced, fresh and varied diet, exercise regularly, do not smoke and abstain from alcohol, you are less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction or impotence than so-called couch potatoes. Furthermore, you can prevent impotence by having triggering diseases treated at an early stage. As a diabetic, for example, it is important to keep blood sugar levels well controlled. High blood pressure patients should pay attention to normal blood pressures and take their medication regularly.

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Prevent erectile dysfunction: POTENCIALEX ORIGINAL

Impotence in the partnership

Discuss sexual problems and desires with your partner. While this is no guarantee against impotence, it can take a lot of pressure off and make your sex life fresher and more satisfying. Sex therapists know, for example, that most partners are willing to fulfill each other’s sexual desires – if they knew what their partner wanted.

Take into account!

Anyone who thinks that only older men have problems with the stability of their best piece is mistaken. Even in younger years, many men have a poor erection, at least from time to time. Causes can be, for example, psychological problems or stress, which also pass again – and with it the potency problems. That’s why erectile dysfunction should not always be treated with medication, but rather natural sexual enhancers should be tried first.

It’s time for you to try something natural for your sexual health: POTENCIALEX


Product Reviews

Treat Impotence in men with POTENCIALEX

The cause of impotence (erectile dysfunction) can be organic diseases, injuries, psychological problems or even the use of certain medications. Here you can learn more about causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction. Synonyms: Impotence, Potency Dysfunction.


Impotence, erectile dysfunction or potency disorders are medically referred to as erectile dysfunction. This refers to a man’s inability to achieve or maintain an erection of the penis sufficient for normal sexual intercourse despite sexual arousal.

Urology’s definition of impotence: “Erectile dysfunction describes a chronic clinical picture of at least 6 months’ duration in which at least 70 percent of attempts at sexual intercourse are unsuccessful.”

Studies on the benefits of plants for the treatment of impotence are advancing more and more. From these studies come natural supplements that can put an end to your problems.

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Try this great supplement: POTENCIALEX


Erectile dysfunction and impotence have a wide variety of causes, organic or psychological. Many of them can be treated, alleviated or cured with medication, aids or psychotherapy. The probability of suffering from impotence increases with age.

In the case of erectile dysfunction, see a doctor as soon as possible; but in any case if the potency problems occur repeatedly and are a psychological burden. Suitable contacts are urologists or doctors who specialize in erectile dysfunction. In some cities there are already special consultations for erectile dysfunction. Health insurance companies can also provide advice on finding a suitable doctor.

The range of causes of impotence is very wide. Modern research results show that impotence has more frequent organic causes than previously assumed. For example, impotence can be an accompanying symptom of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Erectile dysfunction is often the result of injuries or operations in the pelvic and genital area.

Psychological causes such as stress, anxiety and depression, as well as the use of medications (e.g. hormones, beta blockers, blood lipid lowering agents, dehydrating agents or psychotropic drugs) also lead to impotence.

Common causes

      • Circulatory disorders and vascular diseases such as high blood pressure or arteriosclerosis
      • Obesity
      • Metabolic diseases such as diabetes type 1 or diabetes type 2
      • Diseases of the nervous system such as brain tumors, stroke, paraplegia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis (MS)
      • Hormone disorders such as testosterone deficiency, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
      • Risk factors for impotence
      • Obesity
      • Smoking
      • Regular alcohol consumption, alcohol abuse
      • Drug use
      • Psychological problems associated with impotence

How an erection occurs

The penis contains erectile tissue, the vessels of which dilate and fill with blood during an erection. This increased filling is triggered by a protein that causes the surrounding muscles of the blood vessels to slacken. This allows blood to flow in, the cavities of the erectile tissue fill with blood – the penis lengthens. The increasing blood filling, in turn, squeezes small veins in the corpus cavernosum so that less blood can flow out. Consequently, the penis swells and straightens.

In the broadest sense, women also experience an erection, through swelling of the clitoris and labia. Consequently, women can also experience erectile dysfunction. However, this is only about male impotence.


The frequency of impotence is not recorded centrally. However, treatment figures and studies allow conclusions to be drawn. Experts assume that phases of erectile dysfunction requiring treatment occur at least once in the course of life in about 20 percent of all men. The likelihood of impotence increases significantly with age. The majority of men with erectile dysfunction are older than 60, but episodes of impotence of medical significance are not uncommon even in men between the ages of 50 and 60. In men under 40, impotence is the exception, with a frequency of 2 percent.


The symptoms of impotence are generally known. Despite sexual arousal, the stiffening of the member is absent or the member becomes flaccid prematurely. This can happen, for example, still during foreplay or in the vagina, but before ejaculation.


Occasional erectile dysfunction is normal and can occur at any age. It is the psychological problems that are problematic. Even a first-time erectile dysfunction can plunge a man into a deep crisis. Self-doubt and fear of failure assail him. The pressure to perform during the next sexual act is enormous, which in turn can lead to erectile difficulties. The psychological problems associated with impotence should not be underestimated. The ever-increasing pressure to perform and the fear of failing again can put a great strain on the man. Partnership problems and depression can follow. Impotence in some cases even leads to divorce and social isolation.

You can put now a stop to your erectile problems in a natural way: POTENCIALEX BUY

Product Reviews

POTENCIALEX, the Solution to your Sexual Potency Problems

Impotence (erectile dysfunction) means that the penis becomes flaccid again after an erection or does not become erect at all. Satisfying sex is thus often no longer possible, although sexual desire (libido) is often still present. Potency problems increase with age. There may be psychological causes, but also diseases such as vascular calcification or diabetes. Here you can read everything important about the causes and treatment of impotence.


POTENCIALEX is another supplement that is designed to restore manhood exclusively by taking herbal capsules. Various sales sites promote POTENCIALEX as the potency supplement par excellence. The supplement is based on substances from nature. It is supposed to restore erection and maintain it for up to three hours, balance hormones and even curb inflammatory changes in the prostate gland.

Potencialex Forte


POTENCIALEX is said to provide relief from the following problems:

      • Fights erection problems
      • Guarantees an erection lasting up to three hours
      • Increases testosterone levels
      • Increases blood circulation in the member
      • Improves the function of the reproductive system

POTENCIALEX ingredients

Regarding the exact composition we could find different information. On a manufacturer’s page the following substances are listed as ingredients:

      • L-Arginine
      • Ginkgo Biloba
      • Ginseng
      • Maca
      • Cocoa
      • Vitamin C
      • Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5,Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12
      • Folic acid
      • Biotin
      • Vitamin E
      • Selenium
      • Zinc

Intake and dosage

Take 2 capsules daily with 1 glass of water. The vegan capsules contain selenium, zinc and other ingredients.


When to expect an effect?

The capsules consist of purely natural substances and this fact also has an influence on the POTENCIALEX effect. For example, there may be users who notice a significant improvement in potency after the first intake. Other men, on the other hand, need to take the preparation for a few days to achieve a corresponding effect.

This is due to the organism of each man. Thus, the active ingredients are absorbed at different rates and can also develop their POTENCIALEX effect with a time delay.


This dietary supplement is sold as capsules that have a special formula of active ingredients. POTENCIALEX can be used to treat both physical and psychological potency weakness. Provided that the preparation is taken over a longer period of time. This is due to substances such as Maca, which improve the blood circulation of the entire urogenital system of the man and at the same time also improve the desire and the associated sexual desire.

Accordingly, POTENCIALEX is not only intended for men who have problems in bed to stand their ground, but the preparation can also bring back a bit of momentum in a possibly dormant sex life.

Buy the original product: POTENCIALEX BUY

What should you know about sex drive in men?

The sex drive (libido) varies greatly in men and can be temporarily impaired by disorders such as exhaustion or anxiety. With increasing age, libido usually decreases gradually. Persistently low libido can cause problems in the couple relationship.

What can lead to a low libido?

In some cases, traumatic sexual experiences in childhood or an acquired suppression of sexual thoughts can lead to a lifelong low sex drive. In most cases, however, low sex drive develops after years of normal sexual desire.

Psychological factors, such as depression, anxiety, or relationship problems, are often the cause. Chronic kidney disease can decrease libido. Some medications (such as drugs used to treat depression, anxiety, or advanced prostate cancer) can lower testosterone levels in the blood and also decrease libido.

What are the effects of a decreased libido in men?

With a decreased libido, men have fewer sexual thoughts and fantasies and less interest in sex. They also have sex less often. Even sexual stimulation, whether through visual stimuli, words, or touch, may not elicit interest. Men with low libido often have normal sexual function and remain sexually active to satisfy their partner.

How to test your testosterone level?

A blood test can be used to determine the level of testosterone in the blood. The diagnosis of hypogonadism (also called hypogonadism) is based on the man's symptom description and his low testosterone level in the blood.