Product Reviews

TESTOULTRA, the Revolutionary Supplement for your Men’s Health

First of all, TESTOULTRA is a testosterone booster & natural sexual enhancer. The ingredients are L-Arginine, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Maca, Cocoa, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Biotin, Vitamin E, Selenium,and Zinc.

Recommendations for use: TESTOULTRA

TESTOULTRA is heavily advertised as significantly increasing testosterone levels in men, leading to a better sex life in many ways. In addition, the manufacturer guarantees long-lasting strong erections, increased sexual energy and better stamina when TESTOULTRA is taken regularly.

The recommended dosage: Take every day 2 x 1 capsule during the meals with suffcient water. It aims to boost libido and increase stamina during sexual intercourse. To say it in advance, the ingredients are safe to take! Although these are all natural ingredients from nature, but in a very high concentration.

Selenium contributes to normal sperm formation, zinc contributes to normal fertility and normal reproduction as well as to maintaining normal testosterone levels in the blood.

What does the product promise?

Increasing testosterone levels is the focus of TESTOULTRA. This is shown by every evaluation. From this should come all the other effects that enrich a man’s sex life in many ways. In the following they can be read in a slightly modified form:

      • Unparalleled pleasure and increased potency.
      • Sex pleasure unprecedented even in the wildest dreams.
      • Best sex in the world, strong erections, unparalleled stamina.
      • Strong orgasms and more intense pleasure.

What are the advantages of the product?

For successful sexual intercourse, it is known that in the first place it is important that the penis of the man does not become flaccid during the sexual act and always remains stiff. This is exactly where the testosterone-increasing effect of TESTOULTRA is supposed to come into play. Accordingly, thanks to the agent, the penis is supplied with more blood and thus a long-lasting erection of the male member is possible. This, in turn, is supposed to have the effect that in connection with the long-lasting sexual act, the feeling of pleasure is increased and intense climaxes are achieved.

Testo Ultra


As already mentioned, TESTOULTRA increases the testosterone level of the man. Accordingly, by taking the drug, the whole hormonal balance is improved. As a nice side effect, the buildup of muscles is supposed to be supported, which in turn causes more endurance and energy, especially during sports.

In addition, the antioxidants contained in TESTOULTRA in abundant quantities are supposed to come into play when a long sex act has a draining effect on the body. They are said to promote the regeneration of cellular tissue, which allows the erectile tissue of the penis to recover quickly and become fully functional again. Thanks to these properties of antioxidants, each sexual act should be less tiring on the body and nothing should stand in the way of lovemaking that is savored to the fullest.

Does TESTOULTRA have side effects?

Since the preparation, as already mentioned, is composed of purely herbal ingredients, side effects can be ruled out. However, hypersensitivity may occur with the recommended amount of two capsules daily.


Product Reviews

The use of TESTOULTRA for Prostate Health

When they are young, men hardly notice their prostate, but as they get older it often causes problems. Then the chestnut-sized organ begins to grow slowly. How big it gets and whether cancer develops at some point depends on many factors – some of which men can influence.

Here’s a tip for you, try a natural supplement for a healthy male condition: TESTOULTRA

Weak urine stream and dribbling at night

At some point, the prostate begins to grow in every man. In most cases, the organ becomes noticeable after the age of 50. According to the reserchers, around half of those over 60 are affected. A weakened urinary stream, dribbling and a frequent urge to urinate are among the common symptoms of benign prostate enlargement (BPS).

Testosterone makes prostate grow

Age-related changes in hormone balance are to blame for this prostate disease. According to the Society of Urology, the sex hormone testosterone and its metabolite dihydrotestosterone are responsible for the growth. This leads to increased division of the prostate cells and consequently to an increase in size, which also affects the urethra: it becomes constricted and there are problems with urination. A typical symptom is dribbling.

Prostate growth cannot be stopped

Although benign prostate enlargement cannot be stopped, the symptoms associated with it can be alleviated. It is best to see a urologist at the first signs. The earlier the visit, the easier it is to prevent subsequent symptoms such as inflammation, a thickened bladder wall or incontinence.

Sick prostate: These are the first warning signs

      • Discomfort during urination: The prostate sits under the bladder and surrounds the urethra. If the prostate is enlarged, this can consequently lead to problems with urination. Typical symptoms are frequent urination and the so-called “after-dripping”. Other indications are a weak urine stream as well as an increased urge to urinate during the night. Prostate enlargement is benign – the disturbing accompanying symptoms can be contained with the right treatment. Nevertheless, those affected should have the causes of the symptoms clarified by a doctor, as other diseases can also be behind it, such as a urinary tract infection or a tumor.
      • Blood in urine or semen: Blood in semen or urine can also be a warning sign of prostate disease, especially if it occurs repeatedly. The reason for the symptom should always be clarified by a doctor. However, in almost half of the cases there is no clear cause for blood in the semen. Only in rare cases are there serious reasons behind it.
      • Potency disorder: If erection is difficult or ejaculation painful, this may also indicate a prostate disease. For example, an enlargement or inflammation. In some cases, prostate cancer can also be the trigger. Those affected should have their symptoms clarified by a doctor.
      • Abnormal blood values: If the doctor detects an elevated PSA value during the blood test, this can be an indication of a change in the prostate or an inflammation. The so-called prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein that is produced by the prostate. If the PSA level in the blood is unusually high, further tests usually follow.
      • Feeling of pressure at the perineum or in the lower abdomen: A feeling of pressure in the bladder region and in the perineal area can indicate prostatitis. This is often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. The exact causes should be clarified by a doctor. A urine test, a urethral swab or an ultrasound examination, for example, can then be used for diagnosis.

The right diet for a healthy prostate

A balanced diet with reduced meat consumption helps to keep the prostate gland healthy. The following nutrients are particularly important:

      • Fiber: Reach for whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits (cabbage, fennel, potatoes) and dried fruits.
      • Phytoestrogens: These plant hormones are abundant in carrots, tomatoes, lemons, garlic and onions.
      • Certain phytochemicals: These include, for example, lycopene found in tomatoes, corotinoids (carrots) and flavonoids (soft fruits, eggplant, soybeans).
      • Unsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are abundant in salmon, sardines and trout.

Testo Ultra

Part of a good men’s health diet is good supplementation: TESTOULTRA SUPPLEMENT

The reason why plant estrogens in particular are good for the prostate is easily explained: the cause of the increase in size of the prostate gland is the male sex hormone testosterone and its metabolic product dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Phytoestrogens could gently slow down this transformation and thus prevent or at least slow down benign prostate enlargement. In addition, experts suspect that some phytoestrogens reduce the growth of cancer cells. It therefore makes sense for appropriate foods to be included more frequently in the diet.


Product Reviews

Use TESTOULTRA to boost your Testosterone

Testosterone makes you manly and healthy – at least if you produce your own. We give tips on how to increase your natural hormone production. Testosterone is the hormone that makes a man a man: whether erection, muscle growth or beard growth – without the male sex hormone, little works in men. No wonder that some men try to artificially increase their testosterone levels.

You can increase your testosterone levels today: TESTOULTRA

Increase testosterone levels

By watching your weight. Because the fatter the belly, the lower the testosterone level – this is the result of numerous studies. Fatty tissue is a hormone factory, but it produces the wrong hormones, converting male to female. “Even if you are overweight and have a testosterone level in the normal range, you can increase it by losing weight,” says Sommer. So, go for the fat! Break down your fat. One of the most effective fat-burning exercises: Squats with barbells.

Produce more testosterone

Find a soccer club. A win and 3 points – that’s how you score in terms of testosterone levels. If you lose, on the other hand, you’re down hormonally. By the way, not only the players themselves react this way, but also their fans in front of the TV – proven by US researchers at the Soccer World Cup in their own country. Home field advantage is also related to testosterone. Hormone levels are higher in front of a home crowd than in front of away games. Computer games don’t help, by the way. Bad air, fatty snacks, lack of exercise and sleep actually lower testosterone production.

Which training intensity increases testosterone production?

It’s better to train short, but hard. Extreme endurance sports lower testosterone levels. “The decisive factor is not the number of kilometers, but the duration of the unit,” says Frank Sommer. So, rather divide your weekly workload into several shorter distances, each of which should be manageable in a maximum of 90 minutes.

Or try strength training. That will make your testosterone levels rise, especially if you do short but intense work with heavy weights. “You get a maximum increase from forced repetitions, where you only briefly go beyond muscular failure,” Sommer explains. Still, don’t overdo it: 1 hour in the weight room is enough!

Do proteins make testosterone levels rise?

Yes, make sure you eat a diet rich in protein. Protein is found in dairy products, nuts, meat and fish. English researchers from the University of Worcester have found: The lower the protein content of men’s diets, the more globulins (special protein compounds) float in their blood – and these are precisely the ones that take testosterone out of circulation. Only free hormone molecules can act in the body and not those bound to globulin. A sufficient protein intake can therefore increase your testosterone level!

Lifestyle tip for more testosterone

Who would have thought it: Action movies increase your testosterone production. This was shown by a US research team from the University of Michigan. Romantic movies, on the other hand, only led to more progesterone. This hormone belongs to the group of progestins, and in natural quantities it has hardly any effect on men. Maybe that’s a new argument the next time you argue with your sweetheart about the TV program.


Without enough testosterone in your body, the best strength training won’t bear fruit. Testosterone also does valuable work below the belt, making you more self-confident and keeping your brain fit. To boost your body’s production of testosterone, you should focus on a protein-rich diet, short and intense sports sessions and a weight loss strategy.

Testo Ultra

Try a natural boost to generate more testosterone and and be amazed: TESTOULTRA SUPPLEMENT


Product Reviews

EROXEL, the best Resource for an active Sex Life

Physical and mental illnesses, as well as the undesirable side effects of their treatment, can have a significant impact on people’s sexuality. This is also true for chronic diseases and disabilities. Although it is known for individual diseases that and how they can affect sexuality, it was not until 2013 that researches examined how sexuality and a wide range of health-related variables are associated. Among other things, it was shown that poor health is negatively correlated with both sexual activity and sexual satisfaction – in all age groups.


EROXEL is not only supposed to provide more power in bed, but at the same time turn a too small penis into a true sex miracle. And all this in the form of a capsule. With this preparation, the manufacturer may have brought an effective help to the market for all men who suffer from their previous sex life. After all, a lack of virility and a penis that is too small not only gnaws at self-esteem, but also affects sexual desire.

EROXEL as a dietary supplement with purely natural ingredients not only significantly increase the potency of users, but also influence the growth of the penis. Two problems that many men have to deal with.

Eroxel d3


The capsules have a formula that give user’s love life unimagined power. The special complex of active ingredients have a positive effect on the blood vessels in particular. Thus, the penis and erectile tissue are supplied with more blood, whereby fast and, above all, long-lasting erections no longer remain a dream.

The permanent use of the preparation should also positively influence the growth of the penis. The best part of the man changes accordingly not only in length, but also in girth. Accordingly, EROXEL is supposed to be the optimal means for improving male strength and self-esteem.

Who are the capsules for?

Who is EROXEL intended for? Are you dissatisfied with your sex life and do you feel that your penis is too small? In this case, you belong to the target group that the manufacturer favors with EROXEL. Taking the capsules fix these problems and provide users with a fulfilling sex life.

EROXEL ingredients

What special substances are contained in the capsules that both the manhood and the growth of the penis can be positively influenced? Fortunately, the relevant information regarding the EROXEL ingredients can be found on the manufacturer’s sales page. Accordingly, the following active ingredients form the active ingredient complex of the capsules: L-Arginine, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Maca, Cocoa, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Biotin, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Zinc.

Eroxel Forte


L-Arginine: This well-known amino acid is considered an insider tip for increasing potency. Through it, the expansion of the blood vessels as well as the relaxation of the muscles is optimized. Thus, the penis and erectile tissue are better supplied with blood, which has a positive effect on erections and penis growth.

Maca powder: Maca is rich in minerals and thus helps to achieve better and longer erections. In addition, it can also increase sexual desire in a natural way. In addition to EROXEL, Maca is found in many other sexual enhancers.

Zinc: When it comes to a man’s potency, zinc plays a crucial role. If the body does not have enough zinc available, the formation of testosterone can be impaired.

Ginseng extract: The ginseng contained in EROXEL improves blood transport to the penis. Sufficient blood supply improves erections as well as penile growth.

Possible risks and side effects

Especially with sexual enhancers or preparations that are supposed to promote penis growth, undesirable accompanying symptoms are crucial for users. However, the all-natural complex of active ingredients virtually excludes possible EROXEL side effects. However, the manufacturer points out that people with an allergy to any of the listed active ingredients should refrain from taking it.

Product Reviews

EROXEL helps you combat Low Libido

A reduction in libido is the decrease in sex drive. Loss of libido (sexual inappetence, hyposexuality) is the term used by physicians to describe the loss of sexual desire. Both men and women can be affected. Sexual unwillingness can occur suddenly or gradually, and the causes can be quite different.

Causes of low libido

Possible causes include psychological factors (such as depression, anxiety or relationship problems), medication and low testosterone levels. Depending on the cause, psychological counseling may be recommended by the physician, an alternative medication may be prescribed, or testosterone treatment may be suggested.

Eroxel d3

Increase your testosterone level naturally: EROXEL SUPPLEMENT

The sex drive (libido) varies greatly in men and can be temporarily affected by disorders such as fatigue or anxiety. Libido usually declines gradually with age. Persistently low libido can cause problems in the couple relationship.

In some cases, traumatic sexual experiences in childhood or an acquired suppression of sexual thoughts can lead to a lifelong low sex drive. In most cases, however, low sex drive develops after years of normal sexual desire. Psychological factors, such as depression, anxiety, or relationship problems, are often the cause. Chronic kidney disease can decrease libido. Some medications (such as drugs used to treat depression, anxiety, or advanced prostate cancer) can lower testosterone levels in the blood and also decrease libido.

With a decreased libido, men have fewer sexual thoughts and fantasies and less interest in sex. They also have sex less often. Even sexual stimulation, whether through visual stimuli, words, or touch, may not elicit interest. Men with low libido often have normal sexual function and remain sexually active to satisfy their partner.

A blood test can be used to determine the level of testosterone in the blood. The diagnosis of hypogonadism (also called hypogonadism) is based on the man’s symptom description and his low testosterone level in the blood.

Treatment in men

      • Consultation
      • Sometimes testosterone supplementation
      • If the cause is psychological, various therapies, such as behavioral therapies, can help.

Couples therapy can help overcome relationship problems. Men should also be aware of the extent to which stress can also affect physical functions.

If testosterone levels are low, testosterone can be supplied in the form of a patch or gel applied to the skin. In addition, testosterone injections are possible. Previously, these treatments were thought to slightly increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, but this has not been confirmed by most studies. Supplemental testosterone is recommended only if blood testosterone levels are low. If a medication appears to be the cause of low testosterone, the doctor may consider treatment with an alternative medication.

Here you can buy the best natural supplement to boost your libido: EROXEL BUY


In the case of a loss of libido (also sexual inappetence, hyposexuality, outdated: frigidity), sexual desire and sex drive are disturbed: those affected no longer have any desire for sex. There can be both organic and psychosocial causes behind this. Loss of libido can occur suddenly or gradually. In many cases, the symptom is only temporary.

If sexual desire is absent for longer than six months, doctors speak of an appetite disorder. In this case, the libido can either be completely absent for six months or return again and again and then disappear again. Brief overview:

      • What is loss of libido?: Lack of desire for sex and disturbance of the sex drive.
      • Treatment: Depending on the cause: therapy of the underlying disease, sex or marriage counseling, life counseling, etc.
      • Causes: e.g. pregnancy/birth, menopause, testosterone deficiency, cardiovascular or nervous diseases, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver or renal insufficiency, but also depression, psychological stress or certain medications.
      • Diagnosis: Medical history, physical examination, blood test, hormone status.
      • When to see a doctor: If the sexual unwillingness is a burden or symptoms are added that indicate a disease.


Product Reviews

Discover EROXEL and forget about Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction refers to difficulty having sexual intercourse. Sexual dysfunction includes a variety of conditions that affect:

      • Sex drive (libido)
      • The ability to get and maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction or impotence)
      • The ability to ejaculate
      • The ability to achieve an erection without deformity of the penis
      • The ability to orgasm

The causes

Sexual dysfunction can have physical or psychological causes. Many sexual problems result from a combination of both. A physical problem may result in psychological problems (such as anxiety, depression, or stress), which in turn exacerbate the physical problem. Men may put pressure on themselves or feel pressured by their partner to perform at their sexual best. If this does not succeed, stress is the result (fear of failure). This anxiety can be stressful and further reduce the desire for sexual relations.

Most common sexual dysfunction

Ejaculatory disorders are the most common sexual dysfunction in men. The disorders include.

      • Premature ejaculation before or shortly after vaginal penetration.
      • Ejaculation into the urinary bladder (retrograde ejaculation)
      • Inability to ejaculate (anejaculation)
      • Erectile dysfunction is common in middle-aged and older men. Some also suffer from decreased libido.

Get a natural solution to your sexual dysfunction problems today: EROXEL BUY

Normal sexual function in men

Normal sexual function is a complex interplay of physiological and psychological factors. Nervous, circulatory, and endocrine systems interact with the psyche to elicit a sexual response. The male sexual response is controlled by a delicate and finely balanced interplay of these systems.

Sexual desire (also sex drive or libido) is the desire for sexual activity. It can be triggered by thoughts, words, visual stimuli, smells, and touch, and leads to the first stage of the sexual response cycle, which triggers sexual arousal.

During sexual arousal, the brain sends signals to the penis via the spinal cord. The arteries supplying blood to the erectile tissue (corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum) respond accordingly and dilate (relaxation and dilation). The dilated arteries dramatically increase the blood supply to these areas, which are now bulging and expanding. The expansion puts pressure on the veins that normally carry blood away from the penis. They are compressed, the outflow of blood is slowed, and the blood pressure in the penis increases. The increased pressure in the penis causes it to become stiff, resulting in an erection. At the same time, the muscle tension in the entire body also increases.

In the plateau phase, arousal and muscle tension are intensified.

Orgasm is the climax of sexual arousal. Here, the muscle tension in the entire body increases further and the pelvic muscles contract until ejaculation occurs.

Nerve impulses cause the muscles in the male sex organs (seminal vesicles, prostate, and epididymal ducts and vas deferens) to contract, leading to ejaculation. These contractions propel the semen into the urethra. Contraction of the muscles surrounding the urethra pushes the semen out of the penis. The bladder neck also contracts, preventing semen from flowing back into the bladder.

The male sex organs

Although orgasm and ejaculation often occur almost simultaneously, they are separate events. In rare cases, ejaculation can occur without orgasm. Similarly, there are orgasms without ejaculation; this is especially true before puberty or in the context of side effects of certain medications, such as antidepressants, or after surgery, such as removal of the colon or prostate. Orgasm is usually a highly pleasurable moment.

In the recovery phase, the body returns to the unexcited state. Once ejaculation or orgasm has occurred, the arteries in the penis and the smooth muscles of the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum contract. As a result, blood supply decreases, blood outflow increases, and the penis becomes flaccid (detumescence). After orgasm, it takes a certain time before a new erection is possible (refractory period). In young men, this is about 20 minutes or less; in older men, it takes longer. The time between erections generally increases with advancing age.

Testosterone deficiency

In the case of a testosterone deficiency, those affected have too little of the male sex hormone testosterone in their bodies. A deficiency can occur primarily in men, but also in women. Important symptoms can include sexual unwillingness, reduced testicles and increased sweating.

Eroxel d3

Increase your testosterone levels without side effects: EROXEL

What testosterone levels are normal in men and in women? Men produce significantly more testosterone than women. In adult men, levels range from 3.5 to 11.5 ng/ml (12-40 nmol/l). Women have significantly less testosterone in their bodies than men. Testosterone levels in adult women range from 0.15 to 0.6 ng/ml (0.5-2.0 nmol/l). Fluctuations in the value are considered normal, as age, cycle and time of day influence the androgen level,


Product Reviews

Control your Erection Problems with POTENCIALEX

Impotence (erectile dysfunction) means that the penis becomes flaccid again after an erection or does not become erect at all. Satisfying sex is thus often no longer possible, although sexual desire (libido) is often still present. Potency problems increase with age. There may be psychological causes, but also diseases such as vascular calcification or diabetes. Here you can read everything important about the causes and treatment of impotence.

Our recommendation for you is this natural supplement, treat your impotence problems now: POTENCIALEX BUY


The treatment of impotence is multifaceted and is tailored to the individual man. If diseases are the trigger of the disturbed erection, the therapy focuses on curing these diseases. For example, in the case of high blood pressure, blood pressure is lowered, or in the case of diabetes, blood sugar levels are normalized.

If the use of a drug is blamed for the impotence problems, the drug can be exchanged for another preparation. In some cases, the doctor will prescribe hormone supplements. Sometimes surgery is necessary to correct the disorder, such as vascular surgery.

Natural treatment of erectile dysfunction

Natural treatment for erectile dysfunction is a safe procedure to help impotent men regain an erection. Men, for example, whose erectile dysfunction is caused by circulatory problems are can treat it with this procedure. In addition, the blood vessels leading to the penis must not be too severely altered or interrupted.

Drug therapy side effects

In addition to treating or eliminating the cause, there is also the possibility of drug therapy for impotence. Help is promised by preparations containing the active ingredients sildenafil (e.g. Viagra), tadalafil (e.g. Cialis) or vardenafil (e.g. Levitra). These active ingredients stimulate blood flow in the erectile tissue. However, they must not be taken without hesitation. Interactions with other medications and contraindications (for example, when taking preparations containing nitrates or molsidomine at the same time) must be strictly observed. In some cases, even life-threatening side effects are possible. Therefore, the following applies: Never take medication against impotence on your own and without a doctor’s recommendation.

Aids for impotence

If erectile dysfunction cannot be remedied in any other way, various aids can promise success. Often, external erection aids, such as the vacuum erection device, are tried first. This uses a special suction pump applied to the penis to create a vacuum so that blood flows into the erectile tissue.


If you eat a balanced, fresh and varied diet, exercise regularly, do not smoke and abstain from alcohol, you are less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction or impotence than so-called couch potatoes. Furthermore, you can prevent impotence by having triggering diseases treated at an early stage. As a diabetic, for example, it is important to keep blood sugar levels well controlled. High blood pressure patients should pay attention to normal blood pressures and take their medication regularly.

Potencialex Forte

Prevent erectile dysfunction: POTENCIALEX ORIGINAL

Impotence in the partnership

Discuss sexual problems and desires with your partner. While this is no guarantee against impotence, it can take a lot of pressure off and make your sex life fresher and more satisfying. Sex therapists know, for example, that most partners are willing to fulfill each other’s sexual desires – if they knew what their partner wanted.

Take into account!

Anyone who thinks that only older men have problems with the stability of their best piece is mistaken. Even in younger years, many men have a poor erection, at least from time to time. Causes can be, for example, psychological problems or stress, which also pass again – and with it the potency problems. That’s why erectile dysfunction should not always be treated with medication, but rather natural sexual enhancers should be tried first.

It’s time for you to try something natural for your sexual health: POTENCIALEX


Product Reviews

Treat Impotence in men with POTENCIALEX

The cause of impotence (erectile dysfunction) can be organic diseases, injuries, psychological problems or even the use of certain medications. Here you can learn more about causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction. Synonyms: Impotence, Potency Dysfunction.


Impotence, erectile dysfunction or potency disorders are medically referred to as erectile dysfunction. This refers to a man’s inability to achieve or maintain an erection of the penis sufficient for normal sexual intercourse despite sexual arousal.

Urology’s definition of impotence: “Erectile dysfunction describes a chronic clinical picture of at least 6 months’ duration in which at least 70 percent of attempts at sexual intercourse are unsuccessful.”

Studies on the benefits of plants for the treatment of impotence are advancing more and more. From these studies come natural supplements that can put an end to your problems.

Potencialex Forte

Try this great supplement: POTENCIALEX


Erectile dysfunction and impotence have a wide variety of causes, organic or psychological. Many of them can be treated, alleviated or cured with medication, aids or psychotherapy. The probability of suffering from impotence increases with age.

In the case of erectile dysfunction, see a doctor as soon as possible; but in any case if the potency problems occur repeatedly and are a psychological burden. Suitable contacts are urologists or doctors who specialize in erectile dysfunction. In some cities there are already special consultations for erectile dysfunction. Health insurance companies can also provide advice on finding a suitable doctor.

The range of causes of impotence is very wide. Modern research results show that impotence has more frequent organic causes than previously assumed. For example, impotence can be an accompanying symptom of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Erectile dysfunction is often the result of injuries or operations in the pelvic and genital area.

Psychological causes such as stress, anxiety and depression, as well as the use of medications (e.g. hormones, beta blockers, blood lipid lowering agents, dehydrating agents or psychotropic drugs) also lead to impotence.

Common causes

      • Circulatory disorders and vascular diseases such as high blood pressure or arteriosclerosis
      • Obesity
      • Metabolic diseases such as diabetes type 1 or diabetes type 2
      • Diseases of the nervous system such as brain tumors, stroke, paraplegia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis (MS)
      • Hormone disorders such as testosterone deficiency, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
      • Risk factors for impotence
      • Obesity
      • Smoking
      • Regular alcohol consumption, alcohol abuse
      • Drug use
      • Psychological problems associated with impotence

How an erection occurs

The penis contains erectile tissue, the vessels of which dilate and fill with blood during an erection. This increased filling is triggered by a protein that causes the surrounding muscles of the blood vessels to slacken. This allows blood to flow in, the cavities of the erectile tissue fill with blood – the penis lengthens. The increasing blood filling, in turn, squeezes small veins in the corpus cavernosum so that less blood can flow out. Consequently, the penis swells and straightens.

In the broadest sense, women also experience an erection, through swelling of the clitoris and labia. Consequently, women can also experience erectile dysfunction. However, this is only about male impotence.


The frequency of impotence is not recorded centrally. However, treatment figures and studies allow conclusions to be drawn. Experts assume that phases of erectile dysfunction requiring treatment occur at least once in the course of life in about 20 percent of all men. The likelihood of impotence increases significantly with age. The majority of men with erectile dysfunction are older than 60, but episodes of impotence of medical significance are not uncommon even in men between the ages of 50 and 60. In men under 40, impotence is the exception, with a frequency of 2 percent.


The symptoms of impotence are generally known. Despite sexual arousal, the stiffening of the member is absent or the member becomes flaccid prematurely. This can happen, for example, still during foreplay or in the vagina, but before ejaculation.


Occasional erectile dysfunction is normal and can occur at any age. It is the psychological problems that are problematic. Even a first-time erectile dysfunction can plunge a man into a deep crisis. Self-doubt and fear of failure assail him. The pressure to perform during the next sexual act is enormous, which in turn can lead to erectile difficulties. The psychological problems associated with impotence should not be underestimated. The ever-increasing pressure to perform and the fear of failing again can put a great strain on the man. Partnership problems and depression can follow. Impotence in some cases even leads to divorce and social isolation.

You can put now a stop to your erectile problems in a natural way: POTENCIALEX BUY

Product Reviews

POTENCIALEX, the Solution to your Sexual Potency Problems

Impotence (erectile dysfunction) means that the penis becomes flaccid again after an erection or does not become erect at all. Satisfying sex is thus often no longer possible, although sexual desire (libido) is often still present. Potency problems increase with age. There may be psychological causes, but also diseases such as vascular calcification or diabetes. Here you can read everything important about the causes and treatment of impotence.


POTENCIALEX is another supplement that is designed to restore manhood exclusively by taking herbal capsules. Various sales sites promote POTENCIALEX as the potency supplement par excellence. The supplement is based on substances from nature. It is supposed to restore erection and maintain it for up to three hours, balance hormones and even curb inflammatory changes in the prostate gland.

Potencialex Forte


POTENCIALEX is said to provide relief from the following problems:

      • Fights erection problems
      • Guarantees an erection lasting up to three hours
      • Increases testosterone levels
      • Increases blood circulation in the member
      • Improves the function of the reproductive system

POTENCIALEX ingredients

Regarding the exact composition we could find different information. On a manufacturer’s page the following substances are listed as ingredients:

      • L-Arginine
      • Ginkgo Biloba
      • Ginseng
      • Maca
      • Cocoa
      • Vitamin C
      • Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5,Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12
      • Folic acid
      • Biotin
      • Vitamin E
      • Selenium
      • Zinc

Intake and dosage

Take 2 capsules daily with 1 glass of water. The vegan capsules contain selenium, zinc and other ingredients.


When to expect an effect?

The capsules consist of purely natural substances and this fact also has an influence on the POTENCIALEX effect. For example, there may be users who notice a significant improvement in potency after the first intake. Other men, on the other hand, need to take the preparation for a few days to achieve a corresponding effect.

This is due to the organism of each man. Thus, the active ingredients are absorbed at different rates and can also develop their POTENCIALEX effect with a time delay.


This dietary supplement is sold as capsules that have a special formula of active ingredients. POTENCIALEX can be used to treat both physical and psychological potency weakness. Provided that the preparation is taken over a longer period of time. This is due to substances such as Maca, which improve the blood circulation of the entire urogenital system of the man and at the same time also improve the desire and the associated sexual desire.

Accordingly, POTENCIALEX is not only intended for men who have problems in bed to stand their ground, but the preparation can also bring back a bit of momentum in a possibly dormant sex life.

Buy the original product: POTENCIALEX BUY

What should you know about sex drive in men?

The sex drive (libido) varies greatly in men and can be temporarily impaired by disorders such as exhaustion or anxiety. With increasing age, libido usually decreases gradually. Persistently low libido can cause problems in the couple relationship.

What can lead to a low libido?

In some cases, traumatic sexual experiences in childhood or an acquired suppression of sexual thoughts can lead to a lifelong low sex drive. In most cases, however, low sex drive develops after years of normal sexual desire.

Psychological factors, such as depression, anxiety, or relationship problems, are often the cause. Chronic kidney disease can decrease libido. Some medications (such as drugs used to treat depression, anxiety, or advanced prostate cancer) can lower testosterone levels in the blood and also decrease libido.

What are the effects of a decreased libido in men?

With a decreased libido, men have fewer sexual thoughts and fantasies and less interest in sex. They also have sex less often. Even sexual stimulation, whether through visual stimuli, words, or touch, may not elicit interest. Men with low libido often have normal sexual function and remain sexually active to satisfy their partner.

How to test your testosterone level?

A blood test can be used to determine the level of testosterone in the blood. The diagnosis of hypogonadism (also called hypogonadism) is based on the man's symptom description and his low testosterone level in the blood.