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EROXEL helps you combat Low Libido

A reduction in libido is the decrease in sex drive. Loss of libido (sexual inappetence, hyposexuality) is the term used by physicians to describe the loss of sexual desire. Both men and women can be affected. Sexual unwillingness can occur suddenly or gradually, and the causes can be quite different.

Causes of low libido

Possible causes include psychological factors (such as depression, anxiety or relationship problems), medication and low testosterone levels. Depending on the cause, psychological counseling may be recommended by the physician, an alternative medication may be prescribed, or testosterone treatment may be suggested.

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The sex drive (libido) varies greatly in men and can be temporarily affected by disorders such as fatigue or anxiety. Libido usually declines gradually with age. Persistently low libido can cause problems in the couple relationship.

In some cases, traumatic sexual experiences in childhood or an acquired suppression of sexual thoughts can lead to a lifelong low sex drive. In most cases, however, low sex drive develops after years of normal sexual desire. Psychological factors, such as depression, anxiety, or relationship problems, are often the cause. Chronic kidney disease can decrease libido. Some medications (such as drugs used to treat depression, anxiety, or advanced prostate cancer) can lower testosterone levels in the blood and also decrease libido.

With a decreased libido, men have fewer sexual thoughts and fantasies and less interest in sex. They also have sex less often. Even sexual stimulation, whether through visual stimuli, words, or touch, may not elicit interest. Men with low libido often have normal sexual function and remain sexually active to satisfy their partner.

A blood test can be used to determine the level of testosterone in the blood. The diagnosis of hypogonadism (also called hypogonadism) is based on the man’s symptom description and his low testosterone level in the blood.

Treatment in men

      • Consultation
      • Sometimes testosterone supplementation
      • If the cause is psychological, various therapies, such as behavioral therapies, can help.

Couples therapy can help overcome relationship problems. Men should also be aware of the extent to which stress can also affect physical functions.

If testosterone levels are low, testosterone can be supplied in the form of a patch or gel applied to the skin. In addition, testosterone injections are possible. Previously, these treatments were thought to slightly increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, but this has not been confirmed by most studies. Supplemental testosterone is recommended only if blood testosterone levels are low. If a medication appears to be the cause of low testosterone, the doctor may consider treatment with an alternative medication.

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In the case of a loss of libido (also sexual inappetence, hyposexuality, outdated: frigidity), sexual desire and sex drive are disturbed: those affected no longer have any desire for sex. There can be both organic and psychosocial causes behind this. Loss of libido can occur suddenly or gradually. In many cases, the symptom is only temporary.

If sexual desire is absent for longer than six months, doctors speak of an appetite disorder. In this case, the libido can either be completely absent for six months or return again and again and then disappear again. Brief overview:

      • What is loss of libido?: Lack of desire for sex and disturbance of the sex drive.
      • Treatment: Depending on the cause: therapy of the underlying disease, sex or marriage counseling, life counseling, etc.
      • Causes: e.g. pregnancy/birth, menopause, testosterone deficiency, cardiovascular or nervous diseases, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver or renal insufficiency, but also depression, psychological stress or certain medications.
      • Diagnosis: Medical history, physical examination, blood test, hormone status.
      • When to see a doctor: If the sexual unwillingness is a burden or symptoms are added that indicate a disease.